Friday, May 21, 2010

The Blood of Jesus

by Gerri Nash

"The blood of Jesus washes away our sins and makes us whole again...The blood of Jesus is our defense against the enemy and when we plead the blood, it bring us victory...The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all filth and shame and even takes away our pain...The blood of Jesus, we can apply any hour, because the blood of Jesus never looses it's power."

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What Mother Is To Me

by Gerri Nash

A mother is sacrifice, suffering, headache, heartache.
A mother is pain, grief, hardship, lonely, caregiver.
A mother is nurse, maid, good cook, gardener.
A mother is housekeeper, homemaker, plumber, painter.
A mother is carpenter, electrician, accountant, seamstress.
A mother is doorway to the earth, head of the home.
A mother is overworked, underpaid, money stretcher.
A mother is teacher, coach, trainer, disciplinarian.
A mother is committed, obedience, influence, counselor.
A mother is encourager, protector, comforter, friend.
A mother is prayer, negotiator, intercessor, supplicator.
A mother is longsuffering, patient, tough, fortitude, strength.
A mother is honest, hope, role model, sweet, gentle, kind.
A mother is humorous, joy, laughter, unconditional love.
A mother is precious, special, Anointed, and Appointed!