Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What Mother Is To Me

by Gerri Nash

A mother is sacrifice, suffering, headache, heartache.
A mother is pain, grief, hardship, lonely, caregiver.
A mother is nurse, maid, good cook, gardener.
A mother is housekeeper, homemaker, plumber, painter.
A mother is carpenter, electrician, accountant, seamstress.
A mother is doorway to the earth, head of the home.
A mother is overworked, underpaid, money stretcher.
A mother is teacher, coach, trainer, disciplinarian.
A mother is committed, obedience, influence, counselor.
A mother is encourager, protector, comforter, friend.
A mother is prayer, negotiator, intercessor, supplicator.
A mother is longsuffering, patient, tough, fortitude, strength.
A mother is honest, hope, role model, sweet, gentle, kind.
A mother is humorous, joy, laughter, unconditional love.
A mother is precious, special, Anointed, and Appointed!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for being a mother to many who had none to draw upon for wisdom and direction. You are a blessing to all of us who know you! Love, Linda and Genese
